That would mean all parts of you unrestricted and moving in the same direction. Instead

of an inner push and pull- wanting to do or accomplish something and the rest of you resisting or not wanting to come along.

Instead of this frustrating inner tug a war, moving with the wind at your back.

Our resistance to creating great art, writing the book, setting and holding boundaries, leaving that relationship, stepping into next level leadership, receiving that next level of income and walking through life fully expressed is the bi-product of inner protections.

They operate beneath the surface, keeping us safe from harm but frozen and powerless to move forward into what is calling us.They are like ghosts from the past that derail our best efforts.Baseline wiring in the body that serves to protect us but make life hard.

It is the restrictions put in place from our unhealed selves.

We are rarely moving through life cohesively and integrated.

The body doesn’t feel safe to step into the unknown or receive what it doesn’t know.

We unconsciously resist what is unfamiliar, even if it's wanted.

So we are left to battle with ourselves trying to overcome the inner resistance.

It can look like:

* Wanting more clients but being afraid you can't handle more and you’ll burn out.

* Not wanting to be an inauthentic people pleaser but feeling powerless and resentful to change.

* Wanting good relationships but feeling drained.

* Wanting to make more money without more responsibility or busy work.

We want things that can seem to conflict with one another.

The soul calls one way but the body/mind moves another way.

Being able to listen and follow the call of the soul while working with the body to integrate peace and ease is what changes the game.

As the body feels safe, the nervous system steady, the body paves the way to where the soul is calling you. The body can make its own path to what you desire, in a way that matches you perfectly. You can expand easefully, joyfully, rooted in peace.

It doesn’t have to be a struggle

In your journey through MIRROR, these restrictions reflect the doorways of transformation.

Restriction and protection are alchemized into wisdom and possibilities.

We find openings in the body to move you through to the other side.

As we rewire the nervous system, you can easefully expand to where you want to be.

You experience the shifts as both internal and external.

Moving easefully forward where you have felt stuck.

A lived experience that becomes unlocked and integrated into your way of being and moving in the world.

Your body finds the way to...

- Making more without working more - Creating without the hindrance of perfectionism.

- Welcoming relationships that meets you where you want to be met.

- Feeling a deepened sense of well-being and ease in your day to day.

- Receiving more grounded wisdom, clearer intuition, more money, deepened connection

to yourself and to others.

I experienced a lot of frustration bumping up against my own limitations.

Feeling strangled by time, limited resources, money or ideas.

I was good at working hard but always ended up in burnout. It was never worth it.

This impacted my life and business is a big way. I felt capped in what I could take on and sustain.

With money and creativity there was always this underlying anxiety that it wasn’t enough.

It wasn’t good enough, I didn’t make enough, I didn’t deliver enough.

The underlying stress was always there.

My social and family life suffered as a result of always having to be “on”. Everything felt like a struggle.

I knew I couldn’t create, grow or serve from a place of compression, stress and depletion.

Then everything changed…

once I started working with my body and rewiring my nervous system.

Instead of trying to think my way or modify my behavior or actions.

I started paving new pathways within, for ease, solutions and rest.

I could feel the transformation immediately as I experienced my body reorienting itself towards my life, money, work, relationships from a place of wholeness and peace.

Within the first weeks and months of working from this level:

- My income has increased several times and remained consistent as my working hours continue to decrease.

- My focus has improved and I accomplish more in less time- I feel peace and clarity as I move through my days.

- I receive support now and help in ways that I didn’t know how to receive or didn’t feel worthy or “ready” to receive

And when things get uncomfortable I know how to support my body to expand its capacity.

Stresses are short lived and become the gateway to being rooted into more power.

I have imprinted into my body an entirely new way of being in the world, that is rooted in peace and ease.

Instead of being limited by my nervous system capacity, bumping up against those protections and closed doors I know how to guide my nervous system into expanding to where I desire to be.

And Life meets me there in that expansion.

With opportunities, relationships and capacities that feel nourishing and supportive to who I am and meet me at my expanded potential.

We all need a unique and individualized approach when it comes to healing and expanding our nervous systems. MIRROR is designed to work with and support your unique body and nervous system.

This work will guide you in expanding your body and nervous system capacity from exactly where you are into where you desire to be. We meet you where you need to be met and support you to welcoming in the expansion you desire.

What people are saying about this work….


After my first 6 months of Mirror I was truly grateful for the shifts that had occurred, the things that I had released and the ways I have expanded. Yet in hindsight that couldn't compare to the levels of expansion I've reached after another 6 month round of Mirror! My life is in a place I never thought possible now. The deep buried traumas I've been able to bring to the surface and release. The soft opening to be able to receive in ways I never could before. The gentle guidance of Nadine through this process has been life changing that I'm beyond grateful for! To anyone on the fence about joining, Do It! You won't regret it. Keep an open mind and you will look back in a year blown away with how far you've come!


Mirror, the 6-month expansion mentorship, has profoundly transformed my life. Struggling with repeated patterns of financial instability and a constant pursuit of more, I joined during a challenging period of business loss and legal issues. Working with Nadine, I learned to embrace free time, prioritize family, and manage anxiety. Formerly work-centric, I've done a 360, now enjoying my free time and approaching life with an 'it's all an experience' mindset. Nadine's strategies have made me kinder, and I'm no longer blindly chasing goals but exploring what I truly want. Life, I've discovered, is a journey, and Mirror is a powerful guide for those seeking peace and expansion on their spiritual path. Edna Keep


Mirror has been a very expansive experience for myself. It’s helped make seemingly subtle changes within myself which has created a massive difference in my life. I’ve gone from working a job my heart wasn’t fully in to having a thriving business doing something I love and am passionate about every day. The process Nadine uses has helped me to change anxious feelings into confidence. Murkiness into clarity. I am very grateful to go through this experience.


If you:

* Want to end the stress cycle and feel nourished and peaceful in your day to day life

* Want to expand your receiving with money and open to new levels of wealth without more work or burnout

* Are ready to end the inner battles of push-pull and know how to easefully support your whole body in welcoming in and stepping in to the expanded versions of you

* Be more aware of how your system react and responds to life and be able to consciously choose new avenues to experiment and play with

* Activate who you are becoming and support your full expression landing in your body

This is the work you will support you again and again at every point of expansion


If you:

* Want to end the stress cycle and feel nourished and peaceful in your day to day life

* Want to expand your receiving with money and open to new levels of wealth without more work or burnout

* Are ready to end the inner battles of push-pull and know how to easefully support your whole body in welcoming in and stepping in to the expanded versions of you

* Be more aware of how your system react and responds to life and be able to consciously choose new avenues to experiment and play with

* Activate who you are becoming and support your full expression landing in your body

This is the work you will support you again and again at every point of expansion

Hi, I am Nadine

I am a somatic coach who has been leading and facilitating transformational containers for two decades. My influence and lineage is rooted in energetics and intuition, Shakespeare, Rumi, David Tran, the Canadian mountains and forests, the Caribean and Adriatic Sea, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gough, Stan Getz & REN

I love working with people who want to live unbound, in business, in love and in relationships that are authentic

true-to-self and fully expressed.

I am a fierce and loving space holder and guide so that your system can soften and open to your own innate wisdom on the path of mastery.

I am devoted to the art of life and I teach from the mess and beauty of my own life experience.

xoxo, Nadine

Hi, I am Nadine

I am a somatic coach who has been leading and facilitating transformational containers for two decades. My influence and lineage is rooted in energetics and intuition, Shakespeare, Rumi, David Tran, the Canadian mountains and forests, the Caribean and Adriatic Sea, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gough, Stan Getz & REN

I love working with people who want to live unbound, in business, in love and in relationships that are authentic

true-to-self and fully expressed.

I am a fierce and loving space holder and guide so that your system can soften and open to your own innate wisdom on the path of mastery.

I am devoted to the art of life and I teach from the mess and beauty of my own life experience.

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